The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, has submitted her report to the Human Rights Council on Israel’s perpetration of genocide in the Gaza Strip since October 2023. The report points, importantly, to the settler colonial context and the reality that ‘Israel’s genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza is an escalatory stage of a long-standing settler colonial process of erasure’.

Khirad Siddiqui delves into the connection between the carceral state and global feminism, questioning the notion of a universal sisterhood and challenging interventionist strategies disguised as “saving women.” Through the lens of Qandeel Baloch’s killing, the author advocates for an abolitionist feminist approach.

Lynsey Mitchell explores how feminist legal work in the UK highlights global gender equality efforts through saviour narratives, yet overlooks domestic racism and patriarchy. The author critiques the securitisation of feminist discourse post-9/11, revealing its reliance on colonial hierarchies and promotion of a progressive narrative centered on first world societies.

Sué Gonzales Hauck offers a feminist perspective on the interplay of power dynamics between the state and corporations, focusing on the historical role of the United Fruit Company. By examining its connections to contemporary multinationals and state actors, the author underscores the corporation’s pivotal role in shaping international legal history and the strategies employed to challenge their influence on labor practices.